2022 Paraquat Lawsuit Update

Have you been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after being exposed to Paraquat, a toxic weed killer? If you’ve worked or lived near a farm and have Parkinson’s disease, you may have been exposed to this toxic chemical. You may file a Paraquat lawsuit and may be entitled to compensation. That being said, our legal experts can help those who are suffering due to extended uses of Paraquat.

Here at Legal Favor, we give regular updates on the Paraquat class action litigation, how you can join it, and tell you about the latest updates on the current Paraquat class-action lawsuit. In February 2021, one of the first Paraquat cases was filed in federal court in Illinois. A man sued Syngenta and Chevron because he was hurt by Paraquat.  Consequently, more lawsuits have since been filed by victims throughout the country. As the number of lawsuits increases, we’ll continue to tell you about U.S. Paraquat settlements and jury verdicts. Make sure to visit us here to get the latest Paraquat lawsuit updates.

Latest February 2022 Paraquat Lawsuit Updates

There are nearly 80 lawsuits that have been filed In the Paraquat multi-district litigation (MDL) based in Illinois. Mass torts are growing, with more lawsuits being filed in federal and state courts. Chief U.S. District Judge Nancy Rosenstengel is the MDL judge presiding over Paraquat lawsuits.

February 16, 2022 Update

Recently, Paraquat makers tried to throw out Paraquat victims’ cases. However, they weren’t successful. The judge allowed most of the injured Plaintiff’s claims brought up in the Paraquat lawsuit to go forward. In turn, the first Paraquat lawsuit will be tried on November 15, 2022. There’s a strong chance that Paraquat manufacturers will offer to settle with Paraquat victims who’ve developed Parkinson’s disease before the first Paraquat trial starts.

February 10, 2022 Update

With Paraquat class action cases continuing to rise, Paraquat makers were ordered to turn over deposition transcripts of Syngenta corporate witnesses from a Paraquat Illinois state case to Paraquat lawyers. Finding out what happened in this state case can help in getting large settlements for Paraquat victims in the MDL class action.

February 3, 2022 Update

There were over 12 new Paraquat lawsuits were filed in Illinois by plaintiffs diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease because of work exposure. The defendants are Syngenta and Chevron. These innocent plaintiffs claim that Syngenta and Chevron were negligent and didn’t warn people exposed to Paraquat that it was a dangerous toxic chemical.

February 1, 2022 Update

The Court chose 16 cases in the Paraquat class action (8 for the Plaintiffs and 8 for the Defendants) for the first set of bellwether test trials to start in November 2022. A bellwether trial combines Paraquat cases to save time. To speed up the trial process, these cases were picked to be readied for trial. Most of these cases will either be settled or tried. The outcomes of these cases are used to shape what happens in pending and future Paraquat exposure cases. Discovery in these cases is going on now.

Paraquat Has Been Proven to Cause Parkinson’s Disease

Paraquat is the most commonly used weed killer. It has been used in U.S. agricultural and residential properties for over 50 years. It’s been banned in every other country except the U.S. Paraquat has been shown to cause various health complications, such as paraquat, lung cancer, nerve damage, brain cell death, and heart problems.

Since 2011, reliable growing medical research continues to link Parkinson’s disease to Paraquat exposure in people exposed to it on the job.  Parkinson’s disease is a rare neurological condition that causes tremors, and muscular and movement problems.

How to File a Paraquat Lawsuit

If you’ve been around weed killer on the job and now have Parkinson’s disease you may be eligible to file a lawsuit if you:

  • Worked around commercial pesticides on a farm or residence
  • Lived near farmlands where Paraquat was sprayed on crops
  • Are a current or past farmer, grower, landscaper, picker, or licensed weed killer applicator
  • Been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after being accidentally sprayed with Paraquat while on farmland

Call Us Today To File a Paraquat Lawsuit

Have you been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or had other medical problems after working on a farm or living near one where Paraquat was used? If you’ve been hurt, you may be able to file a Paraquat lawsuit and entitled compensation.  Call our Paraquat lawsuit experts today at: (800) 691-3993. Get your free consultation and find out if you’re entitled to compensation.

Legal Favor
Legal Favor

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