The Basics Of Trade Secrets

The Basics Of Trade Secrets

Under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA), a trade secret is defined as information that derives independent economic value because it is not generally known to the public, and it is the subject of...

What Are Works In The Public Domain?

What Are Works In The Public Domain?

When filing for a copyright, it is always important to remember that the protection only lasts for a limited period of time. At expiration, the piece of work is said to have entered the ‘public...

FINRA Arbitration Claims: What You Need To Know

FINRA Arbitration Claims: What You Need To Know

It is not unheard of for shareholders and investors to rely on investment brokers and investment firms for the management and possibility of growing their wealth and financial investments. These...

The Ins & Outs Of Fiduciary Duty

The Ins & Outs Of Fiduciary Duty

The term fiduciary duty is often mentioned in corporate documents, compliance discussions, newspaper headlines, and lawsuits. After all, it is an important concept that serves as a basis for...

SEC Rule 10b-5: Security Fraud Allegations

SEC Rule 10b-5: Security Fraud Allegations

SEC Rule 10b-5, otherwise known as the Employment of Manipulative and Deceptive Practices, serves as the primary basis for investigating security fraud allegations. This rule generally makes it...

The Fair Use Defense To Copyright Infringement

The Fair Use Defense To Copyright Infringement

As seen in the legislation that dictates copyright law, there are six main rights that are granted to copyright owners. However, it is important to note that these six rights are not absolute. One...