Was Your
Parkinson’s Disease
Caused by Paraquat Exposure?
You may be entitled to financial compensation if you’ve been exposed to Paraquat and diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. This is a timely matter, and our Legal Care Advocates are offering a free consultation to File A Paraquat Lawsuit now.
Paraquat Exposure Is Life-Threatening
Paraquat is a highly toxic herbicide that has been used in agriculture worldwide for many years and in some countries, still is. Paraquat is a significant danger to human life and growing research is supporting the connection between Paraquat exposure and debilitating conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.
Paraquat Exposure Risks Include
Should you or a loved one develop a life-threatening medical condition due to the use of Paraquat close to your home, or ingesting Paraquat from produce, seek legal help immediately.
Now that more research is coming to light accusing Paraquat manufacturers of putting US citizens’ lives at risk for financial gain, it is time to file a Paraquat lawsuit.
The more people who seek legal help and financial compensation, the more pressure we can put on Paraquat manufacturers worldwide to cease using this life-threatening chemical.
We offer a free no-obligation Paraquat exposure evaluation to determine whether you are entitled to file for compensation.
Contact our Paraquat lawyers now for more information and to discuss the next steps.
heart failure
pulmonary edema
kidney failure
liver failure
Parkinson's disease
fast heart rate
muscle weakness
respiratory failure
Paraquat Exposure &
Parkinson’s Disease
Paraquat can increase your risk of Parkinson’s disease by up to 75%!
According to Parkinson’s Foundation, around 1 million people in the U.S. are living with this debilitating and progressive disease.
With no cure, it is unforgivable to use a chemical that is known to cause this disease and impact the lives of millions of people worldwide. While it is bad enough to be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease due to Paraquat exposure, for family and friends watching a loved one deteriorate is agonizing and heartbreaking.
If you or a loved one is suffering in silence, and struggling financially to meet medical expenses, we urge you to file a Paraquat lawsuit with our legal and professional help.
Our Paraquat lawyers will be by your side every step of the way until we get you the justice and compensation that you rightly deserve!
1(800) 691-3993
Contact Us For A Free Consultation…
You May Be Entitled To Compensation
How Do I Know I Have
Paraquat Exposure?
Paraquat has been used for over 40 years as a non-selective herbicide primarily to kill weeds in crops. Paraquat is most commonly applied by aerial spraying, and the chemical can remain toxic on crops up to several weeks after application.
Harmful exposure occurs when Paraquat comes into contact with skin or is inhaled, and more cases of Paraquat exposure in the United States are being reported due to the use of aerial spraying.
Paraquat Exposure Red Flags
Seek medical help urgently if you believe you have ingested Paraquat!
- Severe pain and swelling of the mouth and throat.
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea which may become bloody
- Low blood pressure
- Heart failure
- Kidney failure
- Liver failure
- Lung scarring
Even living within a 100 km radius of an area being sprayed with this highly toxic herbicide can significantly increase your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease along with a wide range of other adverse health conditions. If you know that Paraquat was used close to your home and you have now been diagnosed or suspect you have Parkinson’s disease contact us now.
We will be able to analyze your unique case, investigate Paraquat use in your area or hometown, and determine whether you have a viable case for compensation. This service is provided completely free of charge and under no obligation, for you to pursue a Paraquat lawsuit.
Should you be eligible for compensation, our highly experienced and knowledgeable paraquat lawyers will be by your side to help you get the justice and compensation that you deserve, as well as put significant pressure on Paraquat manufacturers to cease production and the use of this toxic chemical!
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