Thank You For Filling Out Our Pre-Qualification Form
Your Camp Lejeune / MCAS New River case review was successfully submitted. We’re sorry to inform you, based on your provided information, you do not qualify to file a claim.
If you believe this is an error, or simply answered a question wrong on the form submission (this happens sometimes) — you can refill your information here.
Want to speak with a law firm?
The Legal Favor Promise
Our responsibility and passion is to help people like yourself get the representation they deserve. Too many people are wronged by careless mistakes made by others with no regard for the health and safety and their customers. That’s where we come in. Let us help you fight back!
Top 4 Reasons To File A Claim With Our Legal Network
No Win, No Fees
With their contingency fee structure, they work at no cost to you, our client, until they win your case.
Defending Your Rights
The law firm provides a strong representation that is passionate about helping people get justice after being wronged.
Highly Experienced
The law firm is qualified and experienced in representing clients across the country in significant lawsuits surrounding military bases, large companies, and product and medical device manufacturers.
The law firm aggressively pushes its clients’ cases forward through the legal process and courts until their voices are heard.
Get The Attention You Deserve
Legal Favor understands families’ hardships when they’re affected by products, drugs, medical devices, and toxic chemicals. The deadline to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit is in August 2024, and it’s important to speak with a law firm to see if you fully qualify to file a claim.
Attorney Advertisement: Please do not rely on this advertisement in making any medical decisions. You should contact a physician before making any medical decisions, including altering your use of any drug. This advertisement is not intended as a testimonial or endorsement and does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter, either express or implied. Non-attorney spokesperson. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyers’ credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. Court costs and expenses may be the responsibility of the client.