Paraquat Lawsuit Update — May & June 2022, What You Need to Know

If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and you were exposed to Paraquat, you may be entitled to file a Paraquat lawsuit and get compensated. There have been multiple important updates regarding the Paraquat lawsuit, or Paraquat class action / mass tort litigation. That said, our team of legal experts wants to keep those who were affected by Paraquat and diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease well informed. That said, let’s take a look at the most recent Paraquat lawsuit updates, and discover whether you’re eligible to file a claim and potentially receive compensation.

June 2022 — Paraquat Lawsuit Update

On June 20, 2022, 130 people per month are joining the Paraquat class-action lawsuit. Over a 30-day period, 142 Paraquat lawsuits turned into federal class action cases. So there are now 1,292 pending cases for the Paraquat lawsuit. The constant rate of new Paraquat lawsuits for the last year is unlike anything our legal team has seen in other multidistrict litigation (MDL) class actions, which see drastic fluctuations from month to month.

On June 9, the first Paraquat lawsuit trial continues on. The Paraquat MDL judge issued a Second Amended Discovery Schedule that extends the original discovery deadlines established for the six bellwether trial cases. Under the revised discovery order, the parties have until July 25, 2022, to complete fact discovery and medical examinations. Because there were more fact witnesses coming forward and needed time to testify, the original deadline was extended. Shortening the duration of the extension will guarantee that the lawsuit won’t get behind schedule in regards to the opening bellwether trials.

May 2022 Paraquat Class Action Lawsuit Update

On May 16, 2022, an astounding number of new lawsuits have been registered involving Paraquat and Paraquat-related lawsuits. There were 57 new Paraquat lawsuits filed and added to the Paraquat class action. The second week of May has seen the filing of 35 new Paraquat lawsuits with the judge in MDL proceeding, putting it in second place on the list of the number of Paraquat lawsuits. In total, there are over 1,150 Paraquat plaintiffs. These Parkinson’s lawsuits were all consolidated before one federal judge in Illinois.

On May 11, 2022, perhaps the best thing to happen in the recent Paraquat lawsuit happened in another case involving mass tort litigation. Bayer is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court in an effort to demonstrate that the Roundup lawsuits are preempted by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). This means that if the EPA keeps these pesticides on the market, the federal law takes precedence over any state law.

The Supreme Court has requested the position of the Biden administration on whether it should hear the appeal. The Biden administration has filed a brief in the case that argues that FIFRA should not be interpreted to preempt Roundup product liability claims under state law. Though the idea was a long shot for Bayer, Bayer used preemption as a sword in settlement negotiations, and that is what the Paraquat defendants would also do. The Supreme Court is expected to rule that the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act precludes Syngenta and Chevron from raising the same defense in the Paraquat lawsuit.

On May 6, 2022, as many victims are seeking their Paraquat settlement money as soon as possible, many believe it’s critical that the trial date set for November 2022. Legal experts anticipate a landmark verdict in Paraquat lawsuits and a few more lucrative settlements down the line. Consequently, they are becoming more concerned that the case won’t conclude in the foreseeable future.

District Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel suspended the 2022 deadline for examining and looking for the trial. I find it suspect that the defendants and plaintiffs’ Paraquat lawyers would be keen on naming any number of witnesses. Let’s hope the parties can work out an agreement so that at least one case is ready for a November 15, 2022 trial.

In early May 2022, in the Paraquat class-action lawsuit, the MDL judge has selected six lawsuits for the opening round of bellwether trials. Previously, a group of sixteen claims were chosen. The attorneys first did some general pre-trial discovery to learn more about the claims being brought by the sixteen plaintiffs. Lawyers on each side then made a list of which four cases they felt best exemplified the issues being presented by their client, ranking the cases according to preference. From the sixteen presented cases, the judge picked out six, and the attorneys are now going through fact and expert pre-trial discovery for the remaining cases.

If You’ve Been Adversely Affected By Paraquat, It’s Important To Stay Informed

Our team of legal experts has written extensively about Paraquat exposure and the ongoing lawsuit. If you want to stay up on the Paraquat lawsuit, here are some helpful articles:

Need Assistance With Filing A Claim?

If you have Parkinson’s Disease and were exposed to Paraquat, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit if you meet certain criteria.

  • Worked with chemicals in commercial pesticides, especially around crops and houses.
  • Lived near farmlands that use Paraquat, a herbicide.
  • Have you ever been a farmer, gardener, worker, picker, or licensed weed killer applicator in the past?
  • Tragically afflicted with Parkinson’s Disease after mistakenly coming into contact with Paraquat while on a farm.

If you were diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and exposed to Paraquat, you may be able to file a Paraquat claim and entitled compensation. Get in touch with our team of lawsuit experts by calling (800) 691-3993, or signing up for a free consultation to see if you are entitled to any compensation.

Legal Favor
Legal Favor

Senior Editor

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  • Case 3:21-md-03004-NJR , Document 1541ILSD US Courts1–3 (SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS May 18, 2022). Retrieved from